Saturday, December 19, 2015

Book #3 of The Promise Series, "A Prisoner's Promise" is about Anne Algani and her struggle to discover her real identity now that's she's almost twenty-years old. Why is she the only sibling who has olive skin and dark features? Secrets from her family's past erupt into a full blown mystery to be untangled by the men she loves in the present.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Behind every window there is a story. Have you ever walked and wondered what story lies behind a particular window? Traveling abroad as often as I do, has made me an "author window peeper". I stay my distance, but I study the shadows, the curtains, the lighting and imagine the family or single person from within. Some times I'll get a whiff of garlic, lemon, or pot --- and that only adds to the ingredients. Then I stir and come up with the characters. I love walking through the darker parts of a city or along a waterfront with a keeper's shack in sight. When I walk through the woods, I'm actually looking for a cabin to study. I never intrude, but I listen for sounds coming from inside. And that's one way I form my characters.
Read about one particular character in Broken Promises, book #1 of The Promise Series. Her name was Patricia.
Or book #2, A Promise of Revenge and the character who preferred living in the woods after having served in the military.  
Happy Wednesday and happy reading.

Monday, December 14, 2015

"A Promise of Revenge," book #2 in The Promise Series.
Serious threats to eradicate Alice Sweeney's existence, take the young mother with her baby daughter underground. Her scarred veteran husband, with an arsenal of weapons, becomes her stalker.
Doctor Francesco DeRosa searches for life's meaning after losing his beloved wife to an incurable disease he couldn't fix. He becomes a workaholic to repair the gaping wound to his heart.
An old friendship between Alice and Francesco develops into an amorous, impassioned but forbidden relationship. To save a little girl's life, they must work out their differences. An abduction and a brave encounter with death, turn out to have an unexpected ending.

Lighthouses amaze me. I somehow picture an inside dim light, a warm and cozy atmosphere, crashing waves heard over the crackle of a fireplace, and solitude. With that mindset, that's how I begin my stories. Oh --- and my dog Luna by my side.

But to be more practical, I get up in the middle of the night, fix a nice cappuccino and while Luna sleeps, I begin to write.

Pick up a good book this weekend and tell me what kind of atmosphere your prefer when reading. I'd love to read or answer your questions below.
Go to to read experts from "Broken Promises" and "A Promise of Revenge."
Happy reading.    

Monday, November 30, 2015

A picture from Peru. Thanks to my daughter Cindy traveling there today (10/12/2016) and ready for the big climb.
My family and I love our world-wide travels. Different cultures, fabulous cuisines and making lasting friends intertwine with those trips abroad and will stay in our hearts forever. But saying good-bye isn't always easy.
When I lived in Europe, I met many women inching their way from poverty-stricken countries, across borders to find work. Leaving husbands and children behind and never knowing when they could meet again. Documents were generally not in order, so the risk of returning to their homeland was too great for most of them.
Nadia, from Ukraine, comes to mind. In the beginning she made the trip back and forth to her broken down, country-side home, by paying for a secure and safe ride along the way. She hid the money for her family in the hems of her clothes, and the payoff money for a peaceful travel in her tattered wallet. The bus took hours to arrive before she could once again hug her young daughter.
Years passed. Nadia's daughter is a young woman now, university age and still in Ukraine. Nadia continues to travel there and keeps her house cleaning job in a country that "let her stay."
My Women's Fiction story about Nadia and the other women is in the making. Names have been changed but you might be surprised to find out why Nadia (I kept her first name) stayed on in the country where she now resides.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Behind every window there is a story.
When you pass someone on the street, or people watch from afar, do you ever wonder what their story might be? A furrowed brow might suggest stress, a broken heart, the loss of a loved one --- or just maybe "where did I park my car." Writers study expressions wherever they go. That's how we form our characters. When I see someone smiling or shedding tears, I try to imagine what their story might be and I take mental notes.  How many times have I watched a couple embrace in an airport, holding on for dear life, tears welling, and put together their story in my mind?
One day while waiting  outside of the airport for my ride, I noted the woman beside me sniffling, blowing her nose quite often. This went on for some time until I asked if I could help her in some way. She said "I missed my flight."
At this point I began to wonder why missing a flight could make her cry and this is what I came up with. The wedding of a loved one, a funeral, or maybe helping someone through an illness. And that's where my mental notes began.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What do you think about books vs. tablets?  I love the smell and feel of a book.  Resting it on my chest, lulls me to sleep.  My Great Aunt published a series of ten books and now that they are over a hundred years old, their smell is ancient. My grandfather was a Math and Latin high school teacher. I have his books --- again over one hundred years old.  His handwritten notes are in those books and those scribbles tell me something about him. This is why I love books.
Now something I hadn't expected happened. The Promise Series is my baby. Both Broken Promises and A Promise of Revenge came out this year and they're now on Amazon and at B & N.  My lifelong dream was to become published but I never thought that my only choice would be digital. That's what my publisher said "only digital for now."  I want to hug and caress my books, so my hope is --- one day soon that dream will also come true.  Until then --- happy reading, whatever your choice might be.      

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

CKAlber: This could easily be a small chalet where I stayed...

CKAlber: This could easily be a small chalet where I stayed...: This could easily be a small chalet where I stayed near the town of Agnone, Italy.  Water carried from the running fountains below and pur...

Monday, November 9, 2015

This could easily be a small chalet where I stayed near the town of Agnone, Italy.  Water carried from the running fountains below and pure enough to cup your hands and drink.
I could finish Anne Algani's story, book #3 from The Promise Series, but surely by hand.  Or might I be surprised and WiFi is assailable?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Book #3 out in 2016 will be Anne Algani's story.  Her olive skin, statuesque height, and dark features make Anne's beauty undeniable, but secrets from the past dispute her identity and threaten her life. Who will come to her rescue?  The hero, the villain, or a man no one knows but everyone fears.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Secrets from the past dispute Anne Algani's identity and threaten her life.  Three men will enter Anne's story in book #3 of The Promise Series.  The hero, the villain, and a stranger no one knows but everyone fears.  Who will save her in the end?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mexico this October, 2015
My last question was --- where does an author go to plot a story and how are characters personalities formed.
I prefer the solitude of a beach but I live with the Rocky Mountains in the background, so I choose to brainstorm during the night.  My best time to write is from 2 - 4 am.  I brew some espresso, add three shots to hot milk --- and I'm ready to type.  My mind is never blank.  It is always full of possible scenes and new characters, no matter where I am. Writers don't mind standing in line, waiting in airports, driving in traffic.  Our stories never stop until we write "The End."

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How do writers get their ideas, form their characters. And --- where does a writer go to plot those ideas?  The sea, the mountains,stopped at a red light, a bedroom during the night?  
In book #3 of The Promise Series, Anne Algani is the heroine.  Her life has been threatened and her identity disputed.  Who will she turn to? The hero, the villain or a mystery man no one knows but everyone fears.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween is over this year and so much candy has already been purchased and consumed.  The plan in this family is to turn one-third of the collected candy in to a local dentist, who will in turn send it to the troops.  Another thing is the amount of money spent of costumes.  My nine-year old granddaughter made her penguin costume and had so many compliments on it.  Until next year --- have a great Sunday.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

CKAlber: My plan next summer --- and yes I'm already thinki...

CKAlber: My plan next summer --- and yes I'm already thinki...: My plan next summer --- and yes I'm already thinking that far ahead --- would be a trip back to Italy starting in Milan and traveling ...
My plan next summer --- and yes I'm already thinking that far ahead --- would be a trip back to Italy starting in Milan and traveling south by train.  Visiting old friends and family along the way, maybe a little bit of promoting The Promise Series for the now finished and published Broken Promises and A Promise of Revenge, and of course good food and wine.
As a "people watcher" I could easily figure out some necessary editing on my Women's Fiction that actually takes place in Italy.  100,000 words about seven women from different European countries who meet at the Trevi Fountain in Rome. The plan would be to meet up again in a year's time --- but unfortunately two of them will not make it back.
Ahhhhh, an author's dream place to write.

Happy Halloween for now.   C.K. Alber
Happy Halloween. A homemade costume at its best.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Read an excerpt from book #2 of The Promise Series.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday and a good day to start book #2 in The Promise Series.
"A Promise of Revenge," set in the 70s. Serious threats, with the promise to eradicate Alice Sweeney's existance, take the young mother underground with her baby daughter.  An abduction and a brave encounter with death, turn out to have an unexpected ending.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

One of the most beautiful beaches I have ever visited. An hour and a half away from Managua, Nicaragua.
Today I would make a little area this side of the gate with a table, my computer, a glass of red wine, my rescue dog Luna and I would finish book #3 of The Promise Series.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Thank you to my wonderful son-in-law for this wonderful photo during a trip to Mexico.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

"Decide whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying." Amelia Earhart
An author's dream place to write. But --- this is my daughter's view while vacationing in Mexico.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Promise Series will continue with book #3 in 2016.  Secrets from the past dispute Anne Algani's identity and threaten her life. This will be Anne's story.    
Read a little about Anne Algani in book #1, "Broken Promises" and book #2, "A Promise of Revenge."
The sweetness Anne Algani's mother possessed, before her untimely death, is now only a memory for Anne.  Her dad's stubborn, calculating personality with the stoic stance is also a memory but unfortunately, the one she inherited.
When confrontation arises, Anne steps up ready for a fight.  She is an exquisite replica of her dad and his Eastern European fascination. Her olive skin, statuesque height, and dark features make her beauty undeniable. Green eyes, flecked with gold, can dissect you in anger in one moment, or shine in delight in the next.    

Saturday, October 17, 2015

No matter how high the climb might seem, you can do it. Look towards your final goal and don't look down or back --- always forward.
Happy Saturday.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

"The road to hell is paved with adverbs." Stephen King
Adverbs were the toughest to delete when I started writing. I loved them --- and still do. So regarding the photo below of my daughter in Iceland, I'll say "the steamy warm pools, with over-hanging clouds, make me want to jump in and join the bathers."
Just a thought to close out this lazy Thursday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"A Promise of Revenge," set in the 70s. Serious threats, with a promise to eradicate Alice Sweeney's existence, take the young mother underground with her baby daughter. A dangerous chase turns into a twisted capture, all to save a little girl's life.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Yes, Ernest Hemingway wrote with his cat nearby. And his desk looks just like mine.
Happy reading.
Please support research for advanced melanoma research.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

In book #3 of The Promise Series, Anne Algani will be the heroine with her own story.

Book #1 "Broken Promises." Anne, an exquisite replica of her dad and his Eastern European fascination. Her olive skin and statuesque height makes her beauty undeniable. A straight nose with a lower tip rotation brings tweaks from those who love her. Anne's intense green eyes, flecked with gold, can dissect you in anger in one moment, or shine in delight in the next.

Book # 2 "A Promise of Revenge." Of all Anne's siblings on her now deceased dad's side of the family, only she carries his Eastern European distinction, which remains a mystery to the rest of the family. Anne has never found the sweetness of her mother, from what she remembers before her mother died. Instead she inherited her dad's stubborn calculating personality and stoic stance when confrontation arises.

     Happy reading.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Today, a bit chilly in Colorado, would be a good day to read. I've chosen "Widow's Row" by Lala Corriere.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

A good day to be thankful for your blessings.

"A Promise of Revenge" would be a good afternoon read. Forbidden love, a dangerous chase, and a twisted capture will have you sitting of the edge of your seat to the very end.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"There is no greater agony than bearing a story inside you." Maya Angelou

Research for book #3 has begun. I'm researching Middle Eastern countries with the help of dear friend Faiza. After reading books #1 and #2, please leave a comment as to why you believe I might be heading in that direction with The Promise Series. Happy reading.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

"A Promise of Revenge," a Romantic Suspense story set in the 70s. An abduction and a brave encounter with death, all to save a little girl's life, will capture your attention to the end. Happy weekend reading.
Twitter@KayAlber  #ThePromiseSeriesLink

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"A Promise of Revenge" is now at:
A dog's story.
Luna, my rescue dog, is set in her ways at ten years of age. Recently I moved from one place to another. She's not eating and drinking. I did manage to get her to lick ice yesterday. Now I'm sure she won't let herself starve and she's probably drinking behind my back, but nevertheless, I'm worried. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Now at:
Read a riveting plot with forbidden love, a dangerous chase, and a twisted capture with a surprise ending.
Please leave a comment or question for me. Happy Tuesday.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ask a question.

Ask an author (me) a question about writing.  Tell me a little about yourself.  I'd love to hear from you.  C.K. Alber

Thursday, April 23, 2015

"Broken Promises" is at
starting today April 21. 2015